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Jekyll and Hyde
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'My wife and I went to see Jekyll & Hyde last night, and I am finding it difficult to know where to begin describing how full of wonder the whole production was. Let me begin by saying simply that it was a real tour de force, and was by far the best thing I have seen the society perform to date. The phrase ‘amateur dramatic’ really does not do justice the near West End standard of production and performance. If we resurrect the Victorian use of the word ‘amateur’ it comes something close to the professionalism displayed. The use of graphics and video was inspired and really added to the atmosphere and passion in the story. I’m a digital artist myself and I trully appreciated not just the amount work involved, but also the creative talent as well the technical brilliance need in timing the video with the production – it was virtually seamless and absolutely ‘worked.’ And those wonderful steam-punk costumes! Fabulous in truest sense of the word. They were outstanding works of art in their own right – I have contacted the museum and art gallery suggesting they would make a worthy and inspiring exhibition for Worthing’s schools and art students. I was disappointed we didn’t by a programme because it means I can only say how really authentic and convincing were the performances of Wayne Roberts who played Jekyll along with the two lead women (Jodie Tappenden and Marie Ball) …In case you were wondering why some songs didn’t get a round of applause, it had nothing to do with poor performance or because they lacked impact – exactly the opposite, in fact – we (the audience) were so completely absorbed into the story that applause would have broken the spell. We left the theatre with that special and rare after theatre glow that only comes from having been entranced and taken out of this world into another for an all too brief period of time. There are shows that entertain and provide real enjoyment, and then there are shows that draw you right into the story and carry you along with characters – Jekyll and Hyde was the latter. We were still in the auditorium when we confessed to each that we want desperately to see the show again… if only we had the money! A deep, honest thank you to all the cast and production crew
To everyone involved with this latest production - WOW! What a tremendous evening you gave us. Very powerful, very emotional, a very different musical, but you all rose to it brilliantly. Thank you for all your VERY hard work – from our point of view it really was well worth it! Anne and David P, Tangmere
I could not find any other way of letting you all know how much my wife and I and friends enjoyed Jekyll and Hyde. We all thought the production was First Class, the lead singers were Top Class and the rest of the cast deserved more applause. The show must have been a gamble for you and I am sure people were put off by the subject, but without doubt you all deserved much more support. It was all very well done. I have spoken to other friends that saw your show on different occasions and they also agree. Well done. You are all truly great performers. Yours Sincerely K and B D
"Fabulous performance lst night! I would like to say how much I enjoyed Worthing Musical Comedy Society's excellent production of "Jekyll And Hyde." I found it (and I am not one prone to hyperbole) a kaleidoscope of quality and (where to begin?) a real feast for the senses. For me, preparation, imagination, organisation, talent and sheer hard work shone through the whole evening. I read that part of the Director's brief was to draw in audiences who would not usually attend live theatre. I hope that the show is succeeding in this aim. It certainly deserves to do so!"
member of Worthing Film Club
This dark tale is a complete departure from the normal type of show performed by Worthing Musical Comedy Society and so presented many challenges but they rose and conquered them all. Their outstanding set consisted of ever changing images thrown up on a full stage back cloth brilliantly co-ordinated by Chris Keen with input from Andy Roberts and other talented members of the Society. The lighting design by Stephen Holroyd added greatly to the atmosphere of the seedier side of Victorian London and the Music under the direction of Nigel Newman was superb but made the words being sung and quite a bit of the dialogue very difficult to hear in many parts of the theatre. The dance routines, in the hands of Penny Woodman, where brilliant with incredible use of chairs and tables to give really wonderful images at different heights, the costumes were superb and the well chosen wigs added the final touch. The whole direction of this great show was quite outstanding and a credit to the entire team but mainly to Susan Stacey but without a great cast of performers, which they certainly possess, a show is nothing. The chorus singing was excellent as was their movement, and Wayne Roberts in the title roles gave an outstanding performance. His transformations between his good and evil selves were extremely convincing and the ease with which he carried them out made them even more so. His rendition of “This is the Moment” was spine-tingling. Marie Ball (Emma Carew) and Jodie Tappenden (Lucy Harris) as his love interests gave excellent, strong performances – I particularly liked their duet “In His Eyes”. Stephen Hollis (John Gabriel Utterson) gave a great portrayal of Jekyll’s sympathetic and faithful friend and on the aristocratic side, Chris Keen (Sir Danvers Carew), Elspeth Bunker (Poole), Oliver Taylor (Simon Stride), Gillian Jackson (Lady Beaconsfield), Patrick Gosden (Bishop of Basingstoke), John Chambers (Lord Savage), Denis Fuller (General Lord Glossop) and Davide Arbisi (Sir Archibald Proops) were totally in character. On the seedier side strong support was given by Jack Winrow (Spider the brothel keeper) and Vicky Scales (Nellie, Lucy’s kind hearted prostitute friend).
Jose Harrison, NODA representative